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Friday, June 5, 2020

Fantasia Latina Video

To provide you with a preview of forthcoming videos, here is the premiere of Terry White's Fantasia Latina, performed at our Winter Concert, Festival de Música Española, on March 7.

Fantasia Latina was commissioned by Band member Neil Tischler in celebration of his 48 years with the Concord Band. The composition is based on four Latin dance styles: tango, danzon, songo and samba. The extended introduction is intended to introduce idiomatic rhythms and motives that are common to the various styles, such as montuno and 2-3 clave. Unexpected rhythmic and harmonic twists are introduced into each style, intended to keep the performer and listener from settling into a “groove.” For example, there might be an extra measure in a phrase or a very brief harmonic modulation in harmony.