Saturday, September 30, 2006

Lifetime Service Award to Jeremy Welts

Jeremy Welts
In 2002, the Concord Band Board of Trustees introduced the Lifetime Service Award to honor individuals whose participation, over a significant span of time, has made a fundamental difference to the Concord Band. An Honor Roll has been created and is displayed prominently in the 51 Walden lobby to keep these individuals in our collective long-term memory. On October 28, 2006, the Concord Band Lifetime Service Award will be given in memory of Jeremy Welts.

His Award plaque will read as follows:
From 1963 until 2000, Jerry Welts was what music directors hope for: outstanding musician, mentor to younger players, selfless section leader and effective Board member. Bill Toland, Music Director during most of Jerry's time with the Band, recalls that Jerry's trombonists were rotated among parts to keep playing interesting for all of them, but always so that an appropriate player was assigned to each part. For a number of years, Jerry took responsibility for lugging and setting up the Band's very heavy sound system. He also arranged Trombumba/Bossa for trombone choir and band, performed in 1998. We are pleased to honor the memory of Jeremy Welts for his many contributions to the Concord Band.
Past Award recipients have been Bill Burdine and William Toland (2002), Carl Getz and Robert Turkington (2003), Gene Parish and William R. Phelan (2004) and Ed Richter and Bill Siebert (2005).

Past Award recipients have been Bill Burdine and William Toland (2002), CarlGetz and Robert Turkington (2003), GeneParish and William R. Phelan (2004), and EdRichter and Bill Siebert (2005).