The Concord Band has always had several
raisons d’être, but none is more important
than that of bringing the best in concert band
music to the community. Our principal
method for doing this, of course, is through
playing concerts at our permanent home at
the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden
Street, Concord, at our summer home at
Fruitlands Museum in Harvard and elsewhere.
The Concord Band has always taken advantage of contemporary technology to support this mission. For decades, we have offered audio recordings, initially on vinyl,
and, for many years now, on CD.
Since 2008, in cooperation with Concord-Carlisle TV, we have also been making
high-quality video recordings (using four
cameras and professional audio) of our formal Fall and Winter concerts for presentation on CCTV’s local public access cable
channel, and accessible online via CCTV’s
video-on-demand website. In this article we
focus on how the Concord Band is taking
advantage of YouTube on the Internet and
extending it to provide unprecedented pow-
er in accessing videos of our performances
of individual pieces of music.
YouTube, which first became available in 2005, is a free, widely-used video-
hosting/sharing website, or video server,
owned and operated since 2006 by Google. It
is a repository for all types of short videos
most commonly used for recreational purposes, ranging from pop-music videos
(mostly professionally produced) to “home
movie” clips, primarily (in their creators’
opinions) humorous in nature. YouTube can
also be used for more serious purposes,
which it supports via the ability to create YouTube channels. The Concord Band’s recently-created YouTube channel,
ma, now holds 86 video-recorded performances, extracted from videos of full-
length concerts from October, 2008,
through our most recent concerts.
Our YouTube channel can be used as are most
other YouTube channels; i.e., by entering the name of the channel
in the YouTube search box, all the
videos in our channel will be
available for selection. However, by integrating YouTube
with spreadsheet technology,
we are able to provide much
more powerful support to serious members of our community—our own Band members as well as concert band
musicians and conductors, music academicians, and concert band music lovers everywhere.
Performance Video Database.
The integration of spreadsheet
searching and sorting of the
pieces in the YouTube channel,
which we refer to as our Performance
Video Database (PVD), makes it possible to watch videos that meet specific criteria. Examples of the kinds of selections
made possible in this way include, “pieces
composed by James Curnow” and “pieces
commissioned by the Concord Band”.
Over time, the PVD will grow both in
terms of the number of videos included
(rows) and the data kept for each piece of
music (columns). While the number of
pieces in the PVD is relatively modest now, by the end of 2028, that number is expected to reach about 500. The number of
columns is also likely to grow substantially.
Some of the columns that are likely to be
added next include link to program notes,
composition type and solo instrument.
When the first of these is added and the cor-
responding links supplied, it will be possible to read directly what appeared in our
printed concert program about a piece. Until
composition type is entered for each piece
in the PVD, it will not be possible to re-
quest a list (and then watch the associated
videos), for example, of all marches or
overtures contained in the PVD. To see
which pieces feature a particular instrument
or voice, one will sort on solo instrument or
search that column for, e.g., “flugelhorn”.
The implementation of the ability to manipulate the PVD was done in two stages,
permitting access to the capability long
before the ultimate polished version could
be made available. The first version required that the PVD be distributed as an
Excel spreadsheet. The names of the
pieces are hyperlinks (shown in the actual
spreadsheet in blue, and underscored), so
that when the name of a piece is clicked
on, one is taken to the corresponding video in YouTube. If anything involving
selectivity is desired, the PVD can be
searched and sorted before going to YouTube. Since the PVD would not change
from when it was created in April, 2012,
until after the upcoming Fall concert, this
approach was not an unreasonable way to
A first publicly available version of the
Performance Video Database is now on the
Band’s website, Placing
it on the Band’s website has two advantages. Since scanning and sorting the PVD
and then linking to the Band’s YouTube
videos is done from the Band website, it
brings people to the Concord Band website
who might otherwise only visit YouTube.
There is much worth knowing about the
Concord Band beyond our YouTube clips,
as useful as they may be.
We hope that what we have done—make
Concord Band YouTube videos accessible
with so much more selectivity than is possible with YouTube alone—will encourage
other YouTube users to do likewise.
Daniel S Diamond |
Dan Diamond is a mainstay of the Concord Band, having served for decades and wearing many hats, including Trustee, percussionist, editor, fundraiser, publisher, and producer.