Saturday, March 8, 2014
Wings Across America
Wings Across America (2012) unfolds as a dramatic musical narrative
of the WASPs (Women Airforce Service Pilots) and depicts various
stages that these inspiring women went through to serve their country
during WW II. Following an opening celebratory fanfare to the
WASPs, the work dramatically turns to America at war and the need for
all Americans to contribute to the war effort. The musical textures become
very martial, reflecting the military training of women preparing
to become WASPs. Cichy uses a variety of musical devices to portray
this period: melodies made up of bugle calls, march-like textures, and
an embedded Morse code repeating strand of WASP (dit-da-da, dit-da,
dit-dit-dit, dit-da-da-dit). At various times during the piece, Cichy
throws in short paraphrases of “The Air Force Song” (sometimes referred
to as “Off We Go, Into the Wild Blue Yonder”). The passion for
flying and a willingness to leave family and friends to serve a nation at
war is reflected in the slower, more lyrical segment of the work. The
women of the WASPs carried out their assigned duties with courage,
guts, and skill. This spirit is characterized in the final section of the
work. (Source: Roger Cichy)