Saturday, October 26, 2013
The music of New England-based composer and University of Rhode
Island professor, Roger Cichy, has become a favorite of the Concord
Band. Among his many compositions for band, Cichy describes Quartets
as “a unique work exposing a multitude of quartets that exist within
the full ensemble.” During the use of the transparent and exposed textures
utilized in many compositions, composers tend to use combinations
of instrumental colors that seem fitting and appropriate for the desired
texture. In Quartets, Cichy relies on traditional quartets to fulfill
the instrumental colors during those times when the musical textures
become transparent and exposed. Cichy was able to make use of fourteen
different quartets within the composition. This work contains a total
of twenty episodes, sometimes brief, where one or another of these
quartets is used. (Source: JRO and published score.)